Welcome to MS Shandilya Foundation

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You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the MS Shandilya Foundation

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You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through program with the MS Shandilya Foundation

What we do ? Who we are?

We are MS Shandilya Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides humanitarian aid to people in need.

We dedicate ourselves to helping those who are affected by disasters, poverty, and conflict, and to advocating for their rights and dignity. We partner with local organizations and governments to ensure that our aid reaches those who need it most, and is not misused or diverted. We also support human rights and social justice, and work to empower people in need to access the resources they need to survive and thrive.

Your support will enable us to keep helping those in need

Your support will enable us to keep helping those in need

Children's education can change the world for the better.

Children's education is a powerful force that can change the world for the better.

Lifelong learning for the elderly poor

Education can also enable them to participate more actively in their communities and society, and to claim their rights and entitlements

Together, we can transform the world for good.

We need to transform the world by working together, sharing our knowledge and experiences, and taking action for the common good

Corporate Partners
It sounds like you're interested in supporting children's education as a means to contribute to the well-being of the world.
By partnering with us, you can help us to achieve our mission and goals. You can also benefit from our expertise, experience, and reputation. You can enhance your brand image, increase your customer loyalty, and improve your employee engagement. You can also access our network of supporters, donors, and volunteers, and expand your reach and influence

Our Partners

What People Say About Us

I believe this organization is truly dedicated to assisting those in need, and I would like to express my sincere appreciation for their efforts. I am also passionate about supporting individuals in similar situations. It is evident that the MS Shandilya Foundation is making a significant impact by providing educational opportunities to thousands of underprivileged students who would otherwise not have access to such resources.

Angel VR

Senior Volunteer

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