
At MS Shandilya foundation, we believe in the power of collective action to drive positive change. Our events are not just occasions; they are vibrant platforms where passion meets purpose, and our community comes together to make a meaningful impact.

"CareerPulse Expo"

Welcome to "CareerPulse Expo," an empowering event hosted by MS Shandilya Foundation. Join us for an exciting day dedicated to exploring career paths, gaining insights from industry leaders, and connecting with opportunities that can shape your professional future.

Date: 21/05/2024
Time: [10:00 am]
Location: [Delhi]

"VisionQuest for Students: Charting Paths to Success

Welcome to "VisionQuest for Students," an inspiring event hosted by MS Shandilya Foundation. Join us for a day dedicated to empowering students, providing guidance, and charting paths to success in their academic and personal journeys

Date:27 /05/2024
Time: [3:00pm]
Location: [Delhi]

"HealthImpact Expo"

Welcome to "HealthImpact Expo," a dynamic event hosted by MS Shandilya Foundation. Join us for a day dedicated to exploring the various facets of health, promoting well-being, and creating a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities

Date: 11/06/2024
Time: [11:00pm]
Location: [Delhi]

YouthVoices Festival: Amplifying the Power of Young Minds

Welcome to "Exploring Our Roots," an immersive event hosted by MS Shandilya Foundation. Join us for a day dedicated to uncovering and celebrating the diverse cultural heritage that shapes our communities.

MindsMatter: Mental Health & Motivation Symposium

Welcome to MindsMatter, a transformative symposium where we explore the intersection of mental health and motivation. Join us for an inspiring day dedicated to fostering well-being and empowering personal growth

Development and Empowerment Summit

Welcome to Empower360, where development meets empowerment in a transformative summit designed to propel individuals and communities towards success. Join us for a day of inspiration, learning, and actionable steps towards personal and collective growth

Exploring Our Roots

Welcome to "Exploring Our Roots," an immersive event hosted by MS Shandilya Foundation. Join us for a day dedicated to uncovering and celebrating the diverse cultural heritage that shapes our communities.

Health Harmony Day: Nurturing Wellness Together

Welcome to Health Harmony Day, a special event hosted by MS Shandilya Foundation. Join us for a day dedicated to nurturing the vital concepts of wellness and health within our community.


World Environment Day Event


Children Attending Class in a Motivation


Supporting Families for Nurturing Care

